Microsoft document classification invention
Microsoft document classification invention
An Aussie company based in Adelaide has created a document classification records management system for Microsoft packages which it claims is as good as more expensive electronic document and records management solutions.
The Document Classifier created by eWord Development's is designed to quickly and easily classifies all Microsoft Office applications including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and even email messages.
It allows Meta data information to be attached to either individual documents or in bulk amounts so that they can be easily retrieved from the system.
Peter Cornish, the business development manager for eWord Development, said:
"This unique system allows documents to be categorised and stored on the normal PC network without having to implement a new database system. It allows you to work with the tools that you already have.
"And our search tool allows people to find all of these documents according to a set classification. It means that you don't have to incorporate a whole new package. It's a simple classification technique.
"The State Records Department of the South Australian Government recently used our system to classify 1000 documents in one day, which they can now retrieve and find instaneously."
This novel approach is bound to challenge other electronic and records management providers in the market who have to persuade organisations to migrate to a whole new system in order to store and retrieve their most important documents.
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