Green IT the Key to a Low-Carbon Economy?

Green IT the Key to a Low-Carbon Economy?

April 23, 2008: Michael Dell, Chairman and CEO of the company which bears his name has told the [i]FORTUNE[/i] Brainstorm:Green event that the key to a low-carbon future is Green IT.

In a world that’s starting to accept the need to be nicer to Mother Nature, the head honcho behind one of the world’s largest computer companies has pushed the idea that Green Information Technology (IT) can be one of the strongest assets on the road to a low-carbon economy.

“Ten years from now, we will look back and credit ‘green’ IT for helping to mitigate the effects posed by climate change, strengthen global industries and chart a new and prosperous low-carbon economy,” said Dell. “It’s a historic opportunity that we must act on now.”

Timed to coincide with the 39th annual Earth Day, Dell also previewed the company's smallest environmentally-focused desktop PC which is slated for release in the later part of the year. Dell is touting the PC's size, being 81% smaller than a standard mini-tower and uses up to 70 percent less energy.

A recent study by the American Council for Energy-Efficient economy has revealed that IT is already providing the US economy with significant energy savings. The research has concluded that for every one kilowatt-hour of electricity used by IT, ten are actually being saved.

“Connecting with customers, employees and suppliers means understanding and sharing their commitment to green ideas and innovation,” said Dell. “Today, I’m extending my challenge to every technology company to make the environment both a business priority and daily conversation, from energy efficiency and environmentally-responsible products, to carbon neutrality and free recycling for consumers.”

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