IIA launch online one stop shop for secure trading tools

IIA launch online one stop shop for secure trading tools

In the wake of a blaze of publicity surrounding fraudulent behaviour on the Internet, the Internet Industry Assocation (IIA) has introduced what it describes as a national technology stocktake to identify authentication tools and solution available to help secure e-commerce.

IIA chief executive, Peter Coroneos, said that the stocktake aimed at providing as complete a picture as possible of methods currently available to improve the authentication of online transactions.

The IIA has created a web-based information capture facility at www.iia.net.au/authentication. All vendors of relevant products are invited to submit their details.

The initiative is the first of a series that the IIA's newly established Authentication Virtual Taskforce has planned for 2004, as it accelerates work in this area.

"Our plan is to roll out industry wide technological and educational initiatives to advance our objective of reducing online fraud. The advent of phishing has brought into sharp relief the deficiencies in the way B2B and B2C e-commerce is currently conducted. If we are to maintain end user confidence in Internet commerce, it is critical that we drive awareness, availability and deployment of more secure processes."

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