Recording for storage
Recording for storage
EMC wants to see its Centera storage system adopted as a replacement for tape and optical media as a system for backup and archiving. Joining EMC's push is storage software vendor Legato, which has added its DiskXteneder and EmailXtender applications to the Centera armoury.
Legato see these applications and the Centera as a solution for retaining records and emails.
Supporting the Centera Compliance Edition, DiskXtender will automate the migration of files according to the enterprise policy. The application allows an organisation to set retention periods to the documents.
The EmailXtender system will enable the Centera to be used as an email archive. As well as archiving the emails, Legato claims the application will allow end users to retrieve the emails rapidly should they become involved in litigation and need to go through a discovery process of their emails. EmailXtender, which is currently awaiting a patent will integrate with Microsoft's Exchange and Outlook, IBM's Lotus Notes and Domino and the UNIX Sendmail email systems. The application provides a full-text index of all the messages and the attachments that have been communicated from your organisation.
In a statement Legato claims that EmailXtender is compliant with the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) codes of conduct. NASD is the regulatory body that attempts to keep the financial markets in the United States (US) in order. Legato claims that the application meets the requirements of NASD Rule 3010 and NASD rule 2210 regarding the codes of conduct for communications.
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