Government Spending on IT to Jump in 2008

Government Spending on IT to Jump in 2008

By Greg McNevin

January 11, 2008: Predictions for 2008 continue to roll in, with research and advisory firm Government Insights predicting that this year will see the US government increasing investment in IT and infrastructure optimisation along with secure content management.

According to a new study from the firm, infrastructure optimisation and IT resource repurposing will replace solutions as the top government IT trend.

“We predict that there will be accelerated investment in 2008, but the five-year overall U.S. IT government spending picture will remain relatively flat,” said Teresa Bozzelli, COO and Managing Director, Government Insights.

“Another key trend we are forecasting for 2008 is our belief that governments will look to squeeze more value from enterprise resource planning (ERP) by making substantial investments to extend foundational capabilities to further integrate back to front office operations.”

The firm is also predicting that “Gov 2.0” will replace “e-Gov”, that continuing data security breaches will drive governments to invest in secure content management for mobility, and that the first substantial wave of government employee retirements will force broader use of telework and a re-examining of sourcing strategies.

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