CRT flattens out

CRT flattens out

Panasonic will target finance, CAD/CAM and graphic design applications with its most recent 19 inch monitor, the latest of the company's displays to incorporate its flat-screen technology.

The PanaFlat 90 Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitor uses Panasonic's patented PureFlat colour display tube, to provide flat visuals from corner to corner, instead of the convex shape common to CRT displays.

PureFlat utilises a high-resolution pre-stretched slot shadow mask to present a sharp uniform image, and uses a DQ-DAF gun that incorporates a deflection yoke to provide greater geometric correction, and a less distorted image.

The new model has a dot pitch of 0.25mm, and a resolution of 1600 x 1280 pixels with a refresh rate of 85Hz. It has an optional universal serial bus pedestal, and complies with the VESA DDC 1/2B standard which features Windows 95 plug-n-play function.

The PanaFlat 90 retails for $1500.

Panasonic has also released the 21 inch PanaSync Pro P110i, a display suited to graphic design and CAD applications where intricate detail is required.

The monitor has a maximum resolution of 1880 x 1440 and a dot pitch of 0.25mm, and also incorporates flat screen design to enhance the accuracy of the displayed image. The monitor also uses Panasonic's LSI signal processor to reduce distortion by calibrating the red, green and blue electron guns to maintain low beam shift.

The P110i also includes a new control circuit with scanning rates of up to 95Hz horizontal and 180Hz vertical to reduce flicker. Like the PanaFlat 90, the P110i complies with the VESA 1/2B standard.

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