Microsoft Excel Support Arrives on iPhone

Microsoft Excel Support Arrives on iPhone

By Greg McNevin

January 7, 2009: While the news that the developers behind the infamous iFart application are raking in tens of thousands of dollars a day from the iPhone’s application store is still making headlines, 2009 is finally seeing more useful applications make their way onto Apple’s cravenly-desired device, with Microsoft Office document support on the way thanks to QuickOffice’s MobileFiles Pro.

The software enables local editing and saving of documents in .xls format, and supports up to 125 Excel functions including text and cell formatting, sheet switching, inserting or deleting rows/columns and more.

The promise of being able to view and locally edit documents has also been extended with the ability to remotely synchronise files via QuickOffice’s MobileMe iDisk service.

The application currently only supports Excel spreadsheets, but more formats are on the way. It is now available in the productivity section of the Apple Store for US$9.99 (AU$14)

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