DataBasics Trumpets Cumulus Sales Record

DataBasics Trumpets Cumulus Sales Record

By Greg McNevin

February 6, 2009: DataBasic’s has announced that its 2008 Canto Cumulus software sales and related services for Australia and Southeast Asia have exceeded a record-breaking one million dollars, making Cumulus the most widely purchased digital asset management software in Australia and giving DataBasics Platinum distributor status for the second year running.

DataBasics says that Cumulus’s ability to meet high demands for searchable image libraries that can be distributed to multiple users via web browsers is behind the success, which has seen Cumulus business double in the past four years.

The company says it has gained over 30 new customers, while 20 existing customers have expanded their installations significantly, and more than 90 existing customers renewed their annual Software Maintenance program. In addition, DataBasics generated an estimated $250,000 worth of services in association with Cumulus installations.

DataBasics also significantly expanded the on-site services they provide with customer installations, both in association with the DataBasics reseller channel and in special cases directly with the customer.

“Digital asset management, in the form of Image and Picture Libraries, has now become an essential business requirement for many organisations,” says Ricky Patten, Director of DataBasics. “Gone are the days where customers require lengthy descriptions of what digital asset management does!”

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