Vic Council settles on a RecordPoint future

Vic Council settles on a RecordPoint future

June 10, 2009:Unique World's RecordPoint has been selected by Victoria's Baw Baw Shire Council to deliver a $A300K Document & Records Management (DRM) solution based on the SharePoint Server 2007 platform.

RecordPoint is the only DRM product based on SharePoint that is VERS certified. It also met Council's requirements in relation to functionality and approach to people and business process.

The VERS Standard was developed by the Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) to prescribe a mandatory approach for electronic record-keeping for Victorian Government agencies, including central government departments, local government, public hospitals, public schools and government-owned business enterprises.

"RecordPoint will allow the council the benefits of SharePoint whilst helping them to move towards VERS certification," said Eddie Geller, CEO, Unique World

The Unique World's Information Management Solution will provide the Council with a feature-rich and robust information management product; enabling the Council to deploy an Intranet, Extranet and Internet solution with SharePoint 2007 while meeting all compliance requirements with RecordPoint.

"Unique World's innovation in adapting a practical and flexible document management and collaboration platform such as SharePoint so that it can "tick the box" on records compliance was the key reason Council has chosen RecordPoint. We are very excited about how Unique World can help us deliver our Information Management vision," said Don Tylee, Manager Business Information, Baw Baw Shire Council.

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