Lasersoft Imaging claims scanning breakthrough

Lasersoft Imaging claims scanning breakthrough

August 13, 2009:A method for generating 'perfect' RAW data from photos and slides has been announced by LaserSoft Imaging, using a new a new 64 bit High dynamic range imaging (HDRI) format.

HDRi is a method used in computer graphics to create a single image from a number of photographs of the same subject taken with a range of exposures.

The new SilverFast 6.6.1 software from Lasersoft Imaging adds the the dust and scratch information from the scanner's infrared channel to the RAW data scanned from images.

According to Lasersoft Imaging, other approaches process dust and scratch removal during the scan process itself, removing the ability to make adjustments later in post-production. It also claims this can result in loss of fine image details.

Instead of driving the scanner directly, SilverFast HDRi enables the user to read and process raw data as if they had direct access to his scanner.