eCopy unveils new PaperWorks imaging software

eCopy unveils new PaperWorks imaging software

August 13, 2009:Ricoh is to replace its eCopy Desktop scanning softtware with a new version, PaperWorks, that promises improved document workflow management and enhaced ability to scan, merge and modify documents.

PaperWorks adds additional scanning capabilities to Ricoh desktop and network printers, scanners and multifunction devices as well as the ability to convert electronic and paper documents into text-searchable, secure PDFs that can be saved to and retrieved from any system or network folder.

Additionally, users can view and edit scanned and electronic document image files with PaperWorks. Inserting bookmarks, adding headers, footers, notes and electronic signatures along with annotating pages using drawing and text tools are among the modifying options available.

Furthermore, users can burn-in changes, which can be both an efficiency and security benefit. Other security features include the ability to permanently remove confidential information with blackout and whiteout tools, encrypt documents before sending them over a network and apply password protection to control who can print, copy or edit a document.

In instances when documents stem from different sources, such as e-mail, fax or electronic file, PaperWorks lets the end-user combine these into a secure, searchable, common file format. With the simple drag and drop functions, users can rearrange content within the merged file as well. PaperWorks also enables the integration of documents into business process workflows.

Using the optional eCopy PaperWorks Software Development Kit (SDK), this software solution can assimilate with back-end business applications. Additionally, eCopy PaperWorks Connectors for SharePoint, Documentum, Autonomy iManage WorkSite, and Open Text eDOCS DM, provide the ability to deliver, store, and retrieve electronic and scanned information from document management systems.

"eCopy PaperWorks builds on the outstanding value eCopy software has already delivered to Ricoh MFP customers," said Ron Potesky, senior vice president, Corporate Communications, Ricoh Americas Corporation. "It helps office workers to make better utilization of their time and energy by providing advanced tools to scan, merge, modify and connect documents to the applications used to run the organization."