Cadac Organice explores SharePoint

Cadac Organice BV has introduced its 2010 Suite, which aims to enhance the document management capabilities of SharePoint for architecture, engineering and construction and other project driven engineering industries.

The new version comes with Cadac Organice Explorer 2010, a smart client to SharePoint that is developed in Microsoft .NET 3.5 technology.

Cadac Organice Explorer 2010 allows opening multiple lists from multiple sites simultaneously. As a smart client for SharePoint it offers offline capabilities, supporting users that are often travelling or working in areas where they cannot connect.

Search capabilities are enhanced and now include a Filter Editor that users can use to create advanced filters to retrieve the right SharePoint information. When users have created a specific view on a list or library, they are able to save this as a personal view.

Integration with Microsoft Office and CAD applications is also enhanced, providing users the capability to open, save and update their SharePoint documents directly from the Cadac Organice Toolbar in their application.

E-mail messages can be save through drag & drop, and when e-mail messages with attachments or CAD drawings with reference files are saved, Cadac Organice automatically recognises the attachments or reference files and provides users the option to save these too.

The integration with Microsoft Word includes Advanced Document Creation functionality that allows users to create templates for specific documents like letters, faxes and reports and automatically populate new documents based on these templates with SharePoint metadata like company, sender, receiver and project information.

Clayko Group are a new Australian partner of Organice, and has arranged Guus Weitzel, Cadac Organice BV International Product Manager, to present seminars on the new release in Perth on March 16 and Sydney on March 23.

Click here to register or view the sessions via the Web. 

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