EzeScan finds new form

Outback Imaging has announced improvements to the Key From Image (KFI) module that adds Forms Processing functionality to the base EzeScan product, as well as support for SharePoint 2010.

Designed to make document automation workflows even easier to deploy and manage, major speed improvements have been made to the Discovery module.

When processing multiple fields with Discovery, EzeScan now caches the OCR results and re-uses them. This saves significant operator time, as each field does not need to be individually OCRed.

EzeScan can be configured to beep when a KFI exception occurs. This is very handy for those semi-automated jobs that an operator may not be attending. When an exception occurs, e.g. OCR confidence level too low, OMR group error or a database validation failure, EzeScan will beep alerting the operator to attend to the problem.

If a database lookup fails, e.g. an ABN number not found or validation has failed on a scanned invoice against a database, EzeScan will automatically popup a search screen where the operator can search by custom set fields (e.g ABN, Supplier Name, etc). This saves the operator having to open the other application in a separate window to look for the information, as it can all be done from EzeScan.

EzeScan has also developed a new connector into DocuWare. It supports functionality like file cabinets, cabinet lookup list fields, and all file cabinet custom metadata.  

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