IDS unveils next-generation bar-coded forms management

IDS has unveiled the latest release of its application to automate the conversion and routing of paper-based healthcare documentation to electronic form. It is aimed to address the growing electronic health record (EHR) readiness market.

Reforma 3.0 dynamically generates bar-coded intake forms pre-populated with specific patient and visit information. When scanned, the pages are automatically sorted, indexed and routed to the corresponding electronic patient chart in the provider’s health information management (HIM) system.

“An electronic patient record without visit documentation only tells part of the story,” said Yaniv Dagan, CEO of IDS.

“This new version offers caregivers and technology vendors a very feasible way to address a key part of their EHR implementation, and a solution to a common bottleneck.”

Reforma securely interfaces with providers’ scheduling and billing systems over the web to capture and process data, and uses standard office printers and compact desktop scanners to print and scan bar-coded forms.

With the new version office staff can now batch print all relevant documents for a particular date of service collated by patient. The system automatically selects and queues documents according to the type of visit, and allows the user to preview and make exceptions before printing.

Users can now also produce bar-coded labels to also automate the scanning and routing of external documents such as pathology results, faxes and other correspondence. And a new barcode format has an even smaller footprint and can be placed vertically or horizontally anywhere on the page, increasing available white space.

In addition, a unique routing code printed directly below the barcode now allows users to manually index and route documents in the event that a barcode is rendered unreadable by a pen mark or another mishap. 

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