ReadSoft tunes up capture solutions

The latest release of ReadSoft DOCUMENTS 6.4 promises capture workflow without the fuss, says Anna Palsson, Solution Manager for the Capture Solutions Laboratory in Sweden.

Visiting Australia this week to update ReadSoft staff and customers, Palsson highlighted the new Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) that has been developed to allow easier integration with enterprise applications.

“We had already integrated the bus in our INVOICES product (automated data capture for invoices), but this release is the first time it has been offered with DOCUMENTS,” said Palsson.

DOCUMENTS was previously known as CLASSIFY and INDEX, but the name has been changed as the product handles a broader range of capture workflow.

The ability to capture data from faxed documents has been improved with the incorporation of advanced image enhancement and OCR techniques developed internally at ReadSoft Labs.

“We are changing the game for high volume capture with Documents 6.4 by making it easier to implement. We have also now incorporated line-item capture for multiple document types, not just invoices,” added Palsson.

A new team management feature allows captured documents to be routed to individual staff or sections according to prioritised workloads.

ReadSoft DOCUMENTS captures, reads and classifies a range of paper and electronic formats, and is certified for both SAP and Oracle.

Local customers include NSW’s State Super Financial Services and HCF who, after implementing ReadSoft DOCUMENTS has reduced their claim settlement time from three weeks to about five days.

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