Prizm Content Connect v5 enhances document collaboration

Accusoft has announced the release of Prizm Content Connect Version 5, a secure solution for document viewing, collaboration and business management system integration.

Using Prizm Content Connect's document viewer, an organisation can reduce software licensing costs by bypassing Microsoft Office, Adobe and other format-specific software installations on end users' machines. It is a true multi-threaded application which can be easily integrated into web applications and document management systems for distributed file sharing and global collaboration.

This new version of Prizm Content Connect extends the functionality of its AutoCAD module by adding support for the DGN drawing format. Prizm Content Connect provides a single integrated interface for viewing any type of document or engineering drawing that users encounter in their workflow processes, making it easy to reference documents and collaborate without leaving the content management application.

Prizm Content Connect's AJAX-based document viewer provides thin-client viewing from within any modern browser window. In addition, more portable zero footprint and mobile client options enable organisations to serve content to users anytime, from anywhere.

It satisfies requirements for thin client document viewing with no downloads, ActiveX controls, Applets, or other third party software or plug-ins.

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