Oracle Nabs Netsure

Oracle Nabs Netsure

By Greg McNevin

September 4, 2007: Oracle has given its information management and services portfolio another boost this week with the announcement that it will be acquiring network intelligence, analytics and network data integrity specialist Netsure Telecom.

Continuing what is arguably and acquisition spree, the deal will enable Oracle to better aid telcos and other network operators efficiently operate and maximise utilisation of existing and next-generation networks and services.

Netsure already provides network intelligence and analytics software to tier one operators such as Vodafone, Cable & Wireless, and Eircom. Through the acquisition, Oracle says Netsure’s communications applications suite will also help its customers optimise capacity planning and financial modeling, and streamline network lifecycle management

“In conjunction with Oracle's ERP, supply chain, inventory management and network discovery solutions, Oracle plans to provide service providers the ability to improve their network ROI and increase their operational efficiency as they launch, deploy and profit from next-generation IP services,” said Oracle Senior Vice President and General Manager, Bhaskar Gorti.

The transaction is expected to close in late September 2007. Financial details were not disclosed.

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