Infragistics introduces self-service BI for the iPad

Infragistics has introduced ReportPlus, a self-service mobile Business Intelligence app for the iPad.

With ReportPlus Enterprise, ReportPlus Pro and ReportPlus Lite, knowledge workers can securely access corporate data, quickly create reports and dashboards and make meaningful business decisions ‘on the go’. No IT support or server-side software is required.

“The rate of iPad adoption in the enterprise and small to medium size businesses is rising at an amazing rate,” said Dean Guida, CEO of Infragistics.

“With ReportPlus’ intuitive design, end users can remotely connect to enterprise data sources -- such as Microsoft SQL Server, Analysis Server, Reporting Services, SharePoint, oData, Web Services and Web Content -- and easily create real-time reports and dashboards directly on the iPad. Enterprise data is literally at customers’ fingertips wherever they are.”

The dashboards and reports utilize Infragistics’ own data visualisation charts, grids, gauges and maps to make data ‘pop’. ReportPlus users can also slice, dice and manipulate the data to make informed decisions based on key business metrics.

Each dashboard and report can be shared by email, exported to a PDF, presented as a slideshow and uploaded to a company’s Enterprise Dashboard repository in a SharePoint document library for easy collaboration amongst teams.

“ReportPlus is our answer to business users who want self-service apps that don’t require IT intervention, and to IT departments that need to keep corporate data secure,” added Guida.

“It is a natural extension of the development we’ve been doing in the mobile business intelligence market and combines our user interface and user experience expertise to deliver apps that delights both end users and enterprises.”

The ReportPlus Pro ($29.99) and ReportPlus Lite (free) Apps are available from the App Store on iPad or at

For enterprise pricing contact

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