Intrexx promises improved relations between Oracle and SAP

Portal software developer United Planet, has introduced a graphic “Relationship Designer” module that links data from all software systems operating within an organisation in the latest release of its intranet and portal software, Intrexx 6.

The new Intrexx module retrieves data from key business systems, irrespective of their manufacturer, providing centralised access to mission critical information for employees via the company intranet. After a specific piece of information is requested, the Intrexx Relationship Designer automatically searches the linked systems for thematically connected information and displays it on the intranet in a clearly structured manner.

After linking data fields from Microsoft Dynamics CRM with those in SAP ERP, for example, staff members will immediately be able to see which sales employee is responsible for a specific customer, what this customer ordered most recently, and also if there are invoices that are still unpaid. If the email system is also linked up, employees will also be able to access the latest customer correspondence.

Axel Wessendorf, Lexware founder and CEO of United Planet, explains: “The problems associated with keeping important information on disparate software systems (CRM, ERP, enterprise portals, etc.) are familiar to many companies. Information is often only available in small excerpts, and rarely in its entirety which means that employees are provided with an incomplete picture at best.

“Using Relationship Designer, connections that tended to be overlooked in the past are now immediately detectable which is likely to present companies with a variety of new business opportunities, especially in the area of customer relationship management,” he says.

Intrexx 6 is also the technical platform for the soon to be released social business platform Intrexx Share (, which is claimed to go one step further than social intranet solutions available in the market so far, by combining status updates and news from colleagues with the latest alerts from software solutions used within the company (CRM, ERP, BI, etc.) on one platform.

Intrexx 6 is available as a free download from 

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