LuraTech unveils DocYard and PDF Compressor Enterprise 5.5

DocYard is LuraTech’s new platform for managing custom document conversion workflows, through which all process steps can be integrated.

DocYard enables document scanning service providers to create a production environment for document processing that can be centrally managed.

The modular architecture enables existing components to be integrated in DocYard with little effort and thus allows central management and monitoring of the existing infrastructure. During ongoing operation, workflows and jobs can be generated, retrieved or adapted on a graphical user interface without programming.

Users can centrally monitor all current jobs, running distributed in the DocYard system, in real time. Its monitoring and reporting capabilities allow users to ensure reliable, fast and cost-effective conversion of all documents.

LuraTech has also unveiled version 5.5 of the LuraDocument PDF Compressor Enterprise which runs much faster now in the most applications. This complete conversion solution covers the entire processing sequence after scanning documents, including data extraction and export for long-term archiving, so users and providers of document scanning services don’t have to rely on many individual tools which must be configured.