Ten steps to EDMS success

Cadac Organice, developer of a SharePoint based engineering document management solution, has published a white paper about 10 steps to a successful EDMS implementation.

In today’s business processes, information plays a key role. Information is used to steer business processes and to provide people the information and instructions to do their jobs.

Most of our information is kept in documents and it is very important that documents are well managed and that they are available to the right people at the right time. A Document Management System is therefore crucial to steer business processes and to ensure that people have access to the right information whenever they want and wherever they are.

Since (engineering) Document Management Systems are closely related to business processes, an EDMS should not be implemented overnight. An organization needs to be well prepared and needs to understand their requirements, scope and objectives to successfully implement a Document Management Solution.

The Cadac Organice white paper is based on over 20 years of experience in implementing EDMS systems for project driven companies in various (engineering) industries.

The white paper is available HERE

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