
According to IDC research, worldwide external disk storage systems factory revenues have grown by 10.3% over the last year to U.S.$4.2 billion.

After unsuccessful attempts to secure a acquisition deal, Data storage encryption and key management solution developer Kasten Chase has announced that it is filing for bankruptcy and ceasing operations.

Confirming open source community expectations, Linux Distributor Red Hat has announced that it is halting further development of Red Hat Application Server.

There can be no doubt that migrating to electronic delivery of bills, notices and other business documents helps the corporate bottom line. Digital delivery demonstrates significant savings compared with snail mail, as well as in many case...

The 'War on Terror' provides yet more scope for storage as US Federal Communications Commission seeks to force Internet Service Providers to store data for two years.

IT research firm IDC’s APAC (excluding Japan) semi-annual security software tracker has concluded that Australia is expected to remain the largest market in 2010.

Plasmon’s new UDO Archive Appliance claims to use fully integrated tiered storage architecture to address long-term storage requirements.

IT research firm IDC’s APAC (excluding Japan) semi-annual security software tracker has concluded that Australia is expected to remain the largest market in 2010.

The Australian Law Reform Commission is carrying out an anonymous public phone-in to discuss Federal Privacy laws.

5,000 Employees to go as Sun follows its StorageTek realignment with investor-friendly staff 'downsizing'.
