
Nortel Networks claims it can reduce computing and network infrastructure TCO by as much as 55%. Its latest product seeks to bring the branch office closer.

Global registry for new business and consumer digital addresses opens. 'I-Names' use OASIS XRI standards. Spam protection the big driver.

The latest version of the Linux kernel is out, promising a number of speed improvements, greater wireless capabilities and support for Sun’s Niagara chip architecture.

Pushing its Universal Records Management (URM), Stellent's Chief Operating Officer, Dan Ryan, slams records management practices across the board.

New Zealand’s Public Records Act 2005 changed the way that Archives New Zealand stored and managed the nation’s public information. Greg Goulding Group Manager, Government Recordkeeping, Archives New Zealand, tells us how.

If you have an irregular workforce with a lot of part-time, remote or contractual workers, keeping your business processes consistent can be a Herculean task. Greg McNevin finds out how Plutonic Zoo subdued the Hydra of knowledge management.

U.S. archival appliance vendor PowerFile has pulled back the curtain on its new network attached storage (NAS) system, saying that the DVD-based appliance is a one-of-a-kind long-term storage solution.

What is the point of good compliance policies if none of your staff or clients actually know about them? IDM spoke PolicyPoint’s Andrew Stein for some answers.

With server hardware growing ever more powerful, Matthew Overington looks at how to use virtualisation technology to consolidate resources, streamline testing, and maximise ROI

VoIP (Voice over IP) looks and feels intuitively like the way to go for businesses wishing to integrate their data and telecommunications systems. It would appear to lower cost and increase flexibility. So, why does it still appear not to m...
