
Australian firm Recall has bought a New Zealand local document management company for an undisclosed sum.

DataDirect aims to plug the gap between enterprise disk storage and archival tape with the S2A9500 a scalable data disk based storage solution.

SCO’s long battle with the Linux world is approaching it’s final showdown.

KAZ, Telstra’s ICT and IP services subsidiary, appoints Dr Dagmar Egen as the Director of Applications Development and Systems Integration.

Software-as-a-service boosts New Zealand sporting life.

The Australian printer market recorded it’s highest sales ever, exceeding 90,000 units in the first 2006 quarter.

Verbatim has released a new double sided DVD+R Double Layer (DL) disc for camcorders. With a storage capacity of 2.6 GB, significantly more then what is currently available.

DiskStream has announced the release of media management system, Capsa, which aims to make the transition from tape archiving to digital painless, claiming the long term savings outweigh the initial expense.

The soap opera that is the Massachusetts state Information Technology Division rolls on with a senatorial committee slamming the decision to use Open Document.

Demand for outsourced imaging drives industry veteran to expand its reach with a major purchase for the region.
