
New software releases, surveys support a more concerted effort to understand the threat levels posed by unreined use of Instant Messaging systems in the workplace.

Samsung will reportedly unveil its new prototype laptop flash memory / magnetic disk hard drive next week.

Magnetic tape, the long term storage archiving media of choice, has been given a capacity boost by IBM with researchers demonstrating a world record in data density.

The Federal Government has revealed a plan to spend $878 million plan to co-ordinate public and private investment in high-speed, nationwide broadband access.

In what is being seen as an attempt to invigorate its fading storage business, Sun has appointed new heads of and merged its server and storage businesses and waved goodbye to previous storage chief Mark Canepa. After just a year in the job...

Proposed changes to copyright legistlation could see a relaxation of restrictions on format shifting, and allow consumers to move content such as music, newspapers and books around various digital devices.

Wells Fargo loses customer data along with computer hardware while in transit. One more episode in an on-going narrative of data loss.

CeBIT 2006 has come to a close and all the exhibitors have ridden off into the sunset, Skype credit and headsets in hand. So how did this years conference stack up?

Moving to boost its services to Microsoft focussed customers, EMC has acquired Interlink, a north-American based services firm that specialises in application development, IT infrastructure, enterprise integration, enterprise content manage...

Interwoven's TeamSite web content management system has been updated to enable non-technical personnel to execute, manage, and control complex projects.
