
New Zealand's Tertiary Education Commission selects Objective as its electronic documents and records management vendor of choice.

Researchers at Amsterdam's Free University have discovered a way to infect RFID tags with a computer virus, warning RFID manufacturers that more must be done to secure the technology.

In a $63 million deal announced on Tuesday, Advanced Digital Information Corp (ADIC) has acquired Australian startup Rocksoft and its de-duplication technology.

The Labour government has attacked the Australian Customs Service over its new integrated cargo system (ICS) saying that Customs fostered a culture of “culture of cover-up" when defending the systems shortcomings.

According to the new agreement announced yesterday, McData will be re-branding and reselling Riverbed wide are file services (WAFS) appliance, the Steelhead.

Compliance costs have, "knocked future investments in the payments system off the project slate" claims senior Australian banker.

Thousands of Police officers in Australia and New Zealand along with their partners and children have reportedly had their personal details exposed after an electronic document leak.

Attorney General, Philip Ruddock, is worried that key compliance information is not being relayed from managers to relevant stakeholders.

A report in The Australian claims that Australia's primary telco, Telstra, has half a million incorrect user records entered into its emergency number database.

EMC is ahead of the pack when it comes to the SV according to a survey by Goldman Sachs.
