
AXS-One head David Thompson has called upon the Federal Government to take the lead and create legislation for electronic document retention before things get out of hand.

Interwoven has just released its new Records Manager (IRM) 5.0 product, seeing a move from workgroup collaboration into a more targeted record management market area.

In a statement responding to increasing criticism, a Customs spokesperson has rejected media claims that it knew that the integrated cargo system (ICS) was not up to the task but implemented it anyway.

Intel has teamed up with Micron Technology to make a segway into the NAND flash memory business. Christmas seems to have come early for the two heavyweights and their new baby company too with a side agreement with Apple worth US$250 millio...

The “Skype Revolution” seems to have provided the  market push required to end a two-year wait for  The Federal Government’s policy document on Voice Over IP (VOIP) services. The report makes fascinating reading for corporates as well as consumers.

Australian Customs Service (ACS) new chief Michael Carmody must be undergoing a real baptism of fire as the disaster that is ACS’s new integrated cargo system (ICS) falls down around its ears. According to in internal report however, all th...

Sony BMG has taken a beating over the last fortnight due to its digital rights management (DRM) software XCP. The controversy doesn’t appear to be showing any signs of letting up either. Security flaws, worse security flaws, spyware, law su...

In surprising move after months of escalating DVD format skirmishes, Sony and NEC have signed a memorandum of understanding to create a new company to design and produce optical drives.

The second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society has come to a close. And as it wound up, the resolution and motivation to govern, finance and implement an accessible worldwide information society for all has ramped up.

The UN has headed off any hijacking of debate at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) by signing an agreement to create a new Internet Governance Forum
