
BakBone Software – provider of NetVault backup and data protection software – has confirmed its US$5-million acquisition of Constant Data Inc. increasing choice for cross-platform data protection.

With five years between updates Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is out, but can it deliver in the face of energetic open source competition?

Knapp Communications has significantly boosted its resources to take advantage of the growing circulation for IDM magazine and increased traffic to the website.

Virtualisation used to be something that applied only to high end servers. In a bid to win back some of its lost market share, Intel has announced hardware virtualisation support for desktop PCs.

The online uninstaller for Sony BMG's XCP benighted copy protection software creates greater security risks than the original program.

It just isn't Sony's month. The embarrassing saga that is its insidious Digital Rights Management (DRM) software just keeps on going.

Silicon Graphics (SIG) has pulled back the cover on a complete redesign of its flagship Altix line with the new SGI Altix 4000. Taking a different approach with its hardware this time around, SGI has designed the Altix 4000 to be capable of...

The World Summit on the Information Society looks like it is going to be hijacked this week as the debate over who is to govern the internet heats up.

The integration of digital asset management (DAM) and remote proofing technologies is now making it possible to receive client approval in hours rather than days.

With a view to helping customers migrate to and optimise their storage and information infrastructure for the new Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database platform, EMC Corporation has announced a suite of new solutions, professional services and...
