
Blue-laser storage technologies are closing the capacity gap with tape. David Braue wonders whether optical jukebox vendors can make customers care

Universities, healthcare organisations and financial institutions could soon be receiving more reliable VoIP systems thanks to a new agreement made between NEC and NetIQ.

Symantec have launched a new advanced email security solution that promises to protect enterprises against viruses, spam and unwanted content from entering user's emails.

Symantec have launched a new advanced email security solution that promises to protect enterprises against viruses, spam and unwanted content from entering user's emails.

The Australian government has promised to invest this substantial amount of money into ICT so that the nation continues to thrive as an information based economy.

The Australian government has promised to invest this substantial amount of money into ICT so that the nation continues to thrive as an information based economy.

The Red Cross is renowned for its remarkable humanitarian achievements throughout the world, such as its recent efforts throughout Asia in response to the Tsunami crisis. It is less known for how it uses technology to reduce the difficulti...

In the first of his three part series on corporate performance management, industry expert-and co-author of 'The Strategy Gap'-Michael Coveney looked at the gap that exists in organisations between strategy and execution, and some of the '...

The superannuation and managed funds industries are about to move to a paper free environment through the introduction of a more user-friendly method for employers to pay compulsory superannuation guarantee contributions. Rodney Appleyard ...

A wiki is a server program that allows users to collaborate in forming the content of a website. Is the wiki about to revolutionise team work, communication and how we collaborate in organisations? Wikis are quick, simple and effective whe...
