
The Australian Defence Organisation is in the process of carrying out one of the largest electronic document and records management implementations in Australian history. Rodney Appleyard reports

Following the recent announcement of mobile phones being used eventually to pay for goods in Japan, Australia is looking to start the ball rolling on similar technology, starting with the public transport system.

Smart sensor devices are being designed in Australia to help farmers analyse the conditions of their crops more accurately, so that they can create a better environment for growing high quality produce.

While it may still prove fruitful for software vendors in the longer term, it seems that the push by companies to achieve regulatory compliance in accordance with Sarbanes-Oxley may be the root cause of the recent disappointing results pos...

Following the recent announcement of mobile phones being used eventually to pay for goods in Japan, Australia is looking to start the ball rolling on similar technology, starting with the public transport system.

Smart sensor devices are being designed in Australia to help farmers analyse the conditions of their crops more accurately, so that they can create a better environment for growing high quality produce.

While it may still prove fruitful for software vendors in the longer term, it seems that the push by companies to achieve regulatory compliance in accordance with Sarbanes-Oxley may be the root cause of the recent disappointing results pos...

Australian organisations are opening their coffers once again and spending big on IT services, with new research from IDC illustrating that IT budgets are finally on the rise again.

Interwoven has been overwhelmed by the rapid take up in its web site solutions over the last year which it believes is because ideas are now built based on the desire to satisfy customer needs, instead of fantasies about unrealistic busine...

The New Zealand Exchange Limited has become the first organisation in New Zealand to implement Oracle Database 10g for improving the speed and management of its database systems.
