Australians wise to MyDoom

Australians wise to MyDoom

Recent analysis has revealed that Australians have not been too trouble by the recent variant of the MyDoom worm, despite causing significant problems elsewhere in the world.

MyDoom-O produces emails that instruct the users to open an attached file for security reasons, because: "your email account has been used to send a large amount of unsolicited email messages during this recent week".

Paul Ducklin, Sophos' head of technology in the Asia Pacific pointed out that users in Australia have built up a healthy cynicism to claims made in emails. "Although virulent, this worm is easy to detect and prevent for business sensible email policies.

"Australian users have shown themselves willing to take on the virus problem not just with technology but with a good dose of common sense.

"Few people really believe emails which promise to extend various parts of their body. Likewise, they are learning to disbelieve emails which claim to be a magic bullet for their supposed security problems."

The MyDoom-O worm has caused slowdowns at search engines, which include Google Inc., Lycos Inc., Yahoo and AltaVista.

It has been estimated that at a least 200,00 machines around the world have been infected by this virus so far.

MyDoom-O is the fifteenth variant of the worm since if first appeared in January, by antivirus software companies say that this latest one has invented new techniques to harvest emails, such as the use of Web search engines.

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