ediscovery & Forensics

Forensic Digital Services (part of The FDS Group) is ready to roll with its mobile eDiscovery platform, after becoming the first Australian company to deploy AccessData’s eDiscovery technology to assist with data collection and review.

A new tool that provides ediscovery legal teams with a more defensible and reliable method for developing the keywords needed to find responsive documents has been announced by RenewData. 

A new Analytics module has been launched for for the Ringtail e-discovery platform that is designed to assist in early case assessments (ECA), keyword testing and the faster creation of review assignments. 

Nuix has placed Early Case Assessment (ECA) at the forefront of its latest eDiscovery platform, Nuix3, which includes faster processing speeds and more powerful and sophisticated search. 

Social media is causing headaches for organsations concerned about the ediscovery implications, according to a new survey commissioned by Deloitte’s US-based Forensic Center.

Most organisations remain ill-equipped to manage information for electronic discovery requests in a timely and cost-effective manner and are exposed to significant legal risks. David McGrath explains the options that are available in Australia to gain assistance from specialist firms in responding to ediscovery requests.

Be wary of potential discoverability if your staff use social networking sites at work, warns Bree Galvin, general manager at e.law Asia Pacific.

AccessData Corporation and CT Summation are to join forces and merge into a single company, AccessData Group, LLC. The new company will deliver an end-to-end eDiscovery software solution capable of addressing all phases of the litigation workflow.

What are the legal consequences of inadequate data retention in Australia? Dudley Kneller, a partner in the Middletons Technology group, takes an in-depth look at this burning issue.

KPMG has signed a deal with Nuix for electronic discovery software licenses to enhance its eDiscovery service offering.
