ediscovery & Forensics

Nuix has entered into an independent software vendor (ISV) partnership with kCura, developers of the e-discovery review platform Relativity.


Australian companies are enthusiastically adopting a new service from Index Engines that allows them find out what’s on their backup tapes without having to download the contents, according to Rod McKemmish who leads KPMG’s Forensic Technology group in Sydney.

David McGrath explores the challenges of insourcing ediscovery. When does it make sense to leave it to the experts and what are the tools, processes and resources you need to be aware of?


Guidance Software has launched a new platform for legal and information technology (IT) teams provising in-house electronic discovery.

ZyLAB, a provider of e-discovery and information management solutions, has announced that key modules from its eDiscovery & Production system were used by the United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials/Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (UNAKRT/ECCC) to help achieve the first conviction of a major Khmer Rouge figure.

Informative Graphics, a provider of viewing, collaboration and redaction technology, has announced the release of Redact-It for IBM eDiscovery Manager.

e.law has become a Relativity Premium Hosting Partner and is now offering the e‐discovery review platform that handles document analysis, review and production.

Nuix has unveiled what it dubs the eDiscovery SuperComputer, powered by a $50,000 Dell 910 workstation with half a Terabyte of RAM.


Iris Data Services has announced the latest release of its Unity 3.0 ediscovery processing platform includes enhancements to Iris’ OCR processing, including a significant increase in processing speed.


AccessData has announced its upcoming product release at the ILTA 20010 event in Las vegas, CaseVantage 6, an in-house, web-based review platform that can support litigation containing millions of documents and hundreds of users across multiple matters.
