Email & Instant Messaging

Email in the palm of your hand is becoming increasingly attractive to business users. New revelations from Gartner show its now on its way to the masses.

A survey by PineApp of 400 organisations in the UK has found that whilst 97% have anti-spam solutions, half were unable to effectively deal with the growing problem of image based spam.

Databasics has announced a golden partnership agreement with Equilibrium, Pty. Ltd. to launch MediaRich Media Server for Microsoft Sharepoint in Australia and New Zealand.

Jason R. Baron, Director of Litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration in the United States has called for universal collaboration and an open minded approach to Information Retrieval (IR).

The relentless arms race between spammers and security firms rages on, with spammers now using a popular anti-spam technology to punch through filters.

According to a new survey from enterprise email archiving software developer C2C, despite IDC forecasting an email archiving application growth rate of 23.4 percent through 2011 the practice is still in its infancy.

Iomega has given its security arm a hefty boost, announcing that it is teaming up with on-demand communications security and email compliance firm Postini to offer enterprise-level security solutions to SMBs around the world.

Organisations operating in the US are unprepared and at risk of running fowl of new federal compliance regulations, at least according to a new survey conducted by messaging security, archiving and compliance solution provider LiveOffice M...

According to a new Cisco survey, US government agencies are increasingly embracing unified communications, considered it critical to disaster recovery and business continuity, not to mention an aid to collaborative processes.

According to new research from IBM Internet Security Systems (ISS), the vast majority of phishing websites have been created with a do-it-yourself kit.
