Email & Instant Messaging

The exponential increase in spam is hardly news to anyone these days, however, as the avalanche of unsolicited email gathers force a new company has decided to take a different tact to resolve the problem.

AXS-One has announced that it has teamed up with IBM to deliver a new integrated compliance management solution and archiving platform on top of IBM’s System Storage DR550.

According to RSA, EMC’s new security division, phishing has reached the point where ‘kits’ to mimic legitimate websites and trap users are being sold and used by malicious individuals.

Responding to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure changes in the US, cBrain has updated its email management system to increase compliance and address the “kitchen sink” approach to email archiving.

In a move that indicates the heightened value of anti-spam and anti-virus solutions, Cisco has announced it will fork out $US830 million for email and web security firm, IronPort Systems.

Google has fixed a glitch in its Gmail that allowed malicious websites to obtain a user’s entire contact list.

After Check Point’s announcement earlier this week, the security firm Websense has announced that it will be acquiring PortAuthority Technologies in a US$90 million cash deal.

Email security specialist Websense is warning of a new form of cyber-extortion that steals mail and contact data from online email accounts and demands payment to return it.

After the largest beta testing process to date, Microsoft says that Exchange Server 2007 is cocked and ready to rock.

RSA Security has got its spies on to cybercrims and is using a combined industry effort to tackle online fraud through the eFraudNetwork. Launched in Australia a few months ago, they’ve already scored their first major Australian customer.
