Email & Instant Messaging

Open Text has expanded its email management suite with new compliance capabilities focussing on financial institutions.

Former Morgan Stanley Executive Arthur Reil is claming that he was sacked for doing his own job. He was the company's technology officer.

One of the world's most popular message transfer agents is going Open Source. A surprise, as most people thought it was already.

Builds on SAP Documentum Archive Services. Promises to deliver unified email archiving from top to bottom.

Yet another major financial services institution takes an unnecessary hit to its shareholders by not delivering relevant emails to a court hearing.

A U.S. email marketing company has agreed to pay US$1.1 and clean up its act after being caught using unethically obtained consumer data from several data mining companies.

The Cole enquiry has uncovered a new set of emails sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) requesting an urgent investigation into the Australian Wheat Board’s (AWB) contracts in Iraq.

It’s up to professionals within the document and records management areas to ensure that they are aware of retention, privacy, discovery, archiving and fair use policies. So why does email make this difficult? IDM attempts to dig a path through.

Japanese Internet company Livedoor's email retention policy could reveal the secrets that triggered the Tokyo Stock Exchange's near collapse.

Industry analysts IDC have looked into their crystal ball and seen the future of email archiving, and it isn’t pretty for those struggling to contain the slippery beast.
