Email & Instant Messaging

A private messages services has been created by eBay in Australia, specifically for eBay members to provide a much more secure environment for them to exchange messages securely, free from false phishing emails.

The increasingly regulated environment around information storage and retrieval is helping to bring about a boom in email archiving applications, with the market revenue soaring to over US$180 million (AU$237 million) worldwide in 2004, up...

Microsoft's decision to ditch plans to release anti-virus and anti-spam improvements to the Exchange email server will be sure to disappoint many of its customers, despite Microsoft's assertion that it will have little impact, but at least...

In today's business climate, everybody uses email. Most companies, however, still lack formal policies governing its usage. David Braue asks why we're still struggling to manage this fundamental technology.

Meat products maker Hormel may be suffering a public relations drama of the worst kind, but forces are mustering against the scourge of spam. David Braue weighs up the fight against email's worst offenders.

MSN's Hotmail service, which at the latest count has 187 million users worldwide, has ditched McAfee as its antivirus provider, replacing it with rival Trend Micro.

Business workers could soon be free from breaking communication when they fly from one country to another with the new possibility of wireless technology being fitted into planes.

The vast majority of malicious software now in circulation across the Internet is written by organised criminals in an attempt to extort money, rather than the commonly perceived mischievous teenager.

Chief Information Officers face some of the greatest challenges and opportunities they have yet to experience, according to a Gartner report, which forecasts that IP telephony, convergence and instant messaging will be some of the key area...

The percentage of spam clogging up our mailboxes reached record levels last month, with almost nine out of every ten messages junk mail.
