Enterprise Applications

Many of you may wonder why I would title a post “Dynamics 365 vs. SharePoint”, as though it were an either/or decision. But many customers, particularly in the SMB space, seem to grapple with “deciding” between the two.

Migrating more than half a million objects into an EDRMS is never a task to be taken lightly. Port Macquarie-Hastings Council (PMHC), a local government organisation located in northern NSW, recently faced this challenge after implementing HP TRIM for over 400 users.

Australian hosting provider CloudRecover and the American security platform vendor FinalCode have announced a new partnership to offer Final Code’s secure file sharing solutions across a number of applications.

The Earthquake Commission (EQC), a natural disaster insurer that also provides research and education to New Zealand residents, has selected a new cloud ECM platform to enhance its claims management processing.

Organisations as diverse as Amicus, Blackmores, Objective Corporation, Readify and RSL Queensland are some of the first Australian users of Microsoft’s new chat-based workspace in Office 365, Teams.

Enterprise architecture (EA) and technology innovation leaders have an important job: They advise CIOs about digital business strategy, innovation, and enterprise change. They must factor in technology like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT) in order to keep their organizations advanced and competitive.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) has announced the launch of Pointnext, a revamped technology services organisation focussed on digital transformations and drawing on the expertise of more than 25,000 specialists in 80 countries.

Pacesetter Services has partnered with solution provider Information Proficiency to offer a range of services and solutions for Local Government. Pacesetter Services are experts in the Authority Enterprise Suite and Information Proficiency are specialists in Information Management and EDRMS.

Smart Capture software developer Ephesoft Inc. has established a regional office in Sydney Australia to address the company’s growing business in the Australasia region.

Sydney based software firm Eurofield Information Solutions (EIS) has launched secure OFF-LINE clinical coding TurboCoder apps for smart phones and tablets.
