Enterprise Applications

Search Technologies has released two new data connectors for Lotus Notes and Atlassian Confluence, adding to its growing list of available connectors. These two data connectors will allow organisations to better access, extract, and search unstructured content from these repositories for enterprise search and big data applications. They also offer the ability to authenticate document level security, parse metadata, cleanse content, and optimise performance.

As governments around the world wrestle with the enormous amount of census data they gather, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is already enabling organisations to dip into the multi-billion dollar opportunity it presents.

Portal software developer United Planet, has introduced a graphic “Relationship Designer” module that links data from all software systems operating within an organisation in the latest release of its intranet and portal software, Intrexx 6.

A win at the European Union EU Directorate General (DG) has topped off another strong year of international success for Australian ediscovery and data investigation developer Nuix.

As Microsoft SharePoint becomes an increasingly critical platform for document and records management, administrators and content owners are faced with the challenge of protecting sensitive content and preventing data breaches.

A joint international criminal investigation has resulted in seven people being charged in Romania for the largest credit card data theft in Australia's history.

Trying to navigate your way through the myriad of information on Office 365 and BPOS (Microsoft Business Productivity Online Services)? James Milne, (Chief Technology Officer) at Myriad Technologies helps to chart a course.

Management Technology Consulting LLC (MTC) has announced the release of “Report to PDF”, a managed solution add-in for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 On-Premise and Microsoft CRM Online. 

The 2012 Australian “Consumerisation of IT” research into enterprise mobility, commissioned by Unisys and conducted by Forrester Consulting, reveals that while many large organisations see smartphones, tablets and employee-owned devices in the workplace as inevitable, the majority are lagging in providing employees with more than basic (email/calendar) mobile applications to take advantage of this new mobility.

The planets in the Microsoft Solar system are starting to align to provide an event that comes along rarely in the IT Industry. The effect of this solar alignment will inevitably put a dint in the IT Universe as more than 6 major Microsoft products are scheduled to be released to market which will cumulate in a big bang in the first quarter of 2013.
