Enterprise Applications

Elders Australia is putting its faith in a private cloud platform from HP as it embarks on a migration to a SAP and overhauls its enterprise applications, document management and collaboration environment.

The Victorian Ombudsman has delivered a scathing report on the practices of the Victorian public sector in managing information & communication technology enabled (ICT-enabled) projects, claiming inefficient practices have cost government in excess of $1.4 billion.

To help customers using SAP’s NetWeaver Portal solution, enterprise content management provider OpenText recently announced a new partnership to provide the system with several new applications.

Australian law firm Corrs Chambers Westgarth has adopted a portfolio of solutions for business process automation, time capture, application integration, and confidentiality management software from IntApp.

Infragistics has launched NetAdvantage for SharePoint 2011 Volume 1, a set of SharePoint Web Partsfor business users to build code-free dashboards to quickly visualise Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and actionable metrics.

The summer of 2010/11 saw a rash of natural disasters across Australia. The floods and cyclones that devastated the lives and property of so many have left lasting impacts on not only the landscape and our memories but also on the expectations of government, writes David Schulz.

Citizens and customers of Townsville City Council (TCC)are to enjoy better quality and quicker response times to their questions through a deal signed between TCC and IMC Communications to implement livepro, a cloud-based knowledge management solution.

A cloud-based, social platform from OpenText is helping underpin the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2011, being held in Perth, this week.

Loci Solutions Group is launching a new spreadsheet automation suite onto the Australian market that it says has the capacity to transform complex business intelligence - Global Software.

Worldwide enterprise IT spending is projected to total $US2.7 trillion in 2012, a 3.9 percent increase from 2011 spending of $US2.6 trillion, according to Gartner, Inc.
