Enterprise Applications

US vendor Springbrook Software which sells financial, HR, billing and other software to government in the US, has acquired the New Zealand firm MAGIQ Software. The two companies mostly occupy the same market space - enterprise resource planning. MAGIQ has about 550 customers in Australia, New Zealand and the US, compared with Springbrook’s 1,100.

Government organisations around the world are adopting artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to help them achieve their public purpose or mission, but government employees are still concerned about the technology’s impact, according Gartner, Inc.

Yubico’s range of hardware authentication security keys has been enhanced with a new series that supports fingerprint recognition for secure passwordless and second factor logins. The YubiKey Bio does not require any batteries, drivers, or associated software.

US Start-up Mindee, the creator of an API platform designed for developers to eliminate manual data entry, has emerged from stealth mode and announces today that it has raised $US14 million. Mindee helps developers automate workflows in their applications by standardising the document processing layer.

US Federal government agencies have missed multiple deadlines to transition from paper to web-based forms, and a new report has found only a tiny percentage of US government forms are compliant with a law meant to spur digitisation.

Anvil, a paperwork automation platform, has launched Workflows, a no-code tool that helps companies remove the complexity and frustration from paperwork and endless PDFs.

Analytics firm Alteryx and RPA giant UiPath have announced a partnership to ease the process of digital transformation by unlocking the value from enterprise data. As organizations modernize their infrastructure, data can remain trapped in legacy systems and other sources that lack the necessary APIs for access. 

Foir the modern law firm, staying competitive and profitable requires being able to retrieve and action critical information in a timely manner. 

Kanverse has announced the global launch of the Fluorite release of its patent-pending AI-powered Intelligent Document Processing Product for Enterprises.

The Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)) market is going through an interesting phase - a lot of new players have entered the market and all of them make similar claims about their AI and use of Machine Learning Technologies. We have worked with customers who were led to believe that they are using an AI platform for IDP but found out very late in the process that the product used very minimal machine learning. Just enough to give them a check in the box that they are using ML but hardly enough to make a difference for the customers.
