Enterprise Applications

When asked about the biggest barriers to digital transformation in 2019, nearly one-third of organizations surveyed (30 percent) cited insufficient budget and 22 percent cited the inability to experiment quickly. 'Legacy systems' still present the single biggest barrier at 41 percent of those surveyed. Lack of change management capabilities and relevant skills are also seen as major hurdles in 2019.

It’s true to say that RPA has taken us a long way towards unlocking productivity benefits tied up in manual processes. It has galvanized a mindset that things can change without a need for massive systems reengineering.

The True Reply platform allows for open-ended data collection via phone or Alexa powered devices. Because of the way it can automatically collect, process and analyze voice-based content, it has the potential to significantly impact recruiting and hiring, changing the way we screen candidates for open positions.

Faced with diminishing returns from ransomware and cryptojacking, cyber criminals are doubling down on alternative methods, such as formjacking, to make money according to Symantec’s annual Internet Security Threat Report.

PSIcapture 7.2 has now been released, extending the ability to migrate beyond conventional content management systems into primary line of business applications via new migrations for Microsoft Dynamics GP, Box and Intuit Quickbooks Desktop. These join the long list of PSIcapture migrations that are provided free with all license levels.

Robotic Processing Automation (RPA) is one of the latest emerging technologies in the Business Process Automation (BPA) landscape and currently has a lot of hype surrounding it. While some are heralding it as the future of BPA, out in the marketplace there is still a lot of uncertainty around what exactly it is. Businesses are unclear about how it could be used in their processes and about whether RPA is a useful solution or just another industry buzzword.

So, you’ve just started your new job with (let’s say a medium to large organisation) and on the first-day induction you’re shown the company intranet.

According to a new report from The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), organisations and their IT teams are not in sync when pursuing their digital transformation strategies.

Symantec has launched Email Fraud Protection, a new automated solution that helps organisations block fraudulent emails from reaching enterprises, ensuring complete brand reputation and sender trust. Email Fraud Protection drastically reduces workload for IT departments and eliminates the need to manually manage email security configurations while combatting Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks.

Document management doesn’t have to feel like a slapdash, haphazard process. But often due to the sheer volume of work the average employee is tasked with, it’s easier to find a rhythm in the chaos vs. taking the time to step back and implement a better system. And that can certainly include the impulse to slap a pdf alongside every line item as a way to feel like you’re in control, covering all the bases in case of an internal audit or compliance check.
