Enterprise Content Management

Intlock, developer of CardioLog Analytics, has releases a SaaS reporting package for SMBs (Small to Medium size businesses)

Australian enterprises and federal agencies now have 12 months to prepare to comply with Mandatory Data Breach Notification Laws, following the passage of the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Bill 2016.

As Microsoft power forward with new Office 365 applications, administration, governance and compliance tools the question "is SharePoint dead?" has been asked of me on more than one occasion. Some may say it is, I say not.

Veritas Technologies has announced that it is bringing together local industry and technology leaders at the Australian leg of the company’s flagship Vision Solution Day conference. Happening across Sydney and Melbourne, Veritas will hold the separate events at Water @ Pier One on February 28 and The Glasshouse on March 2, respectively.

Information is one your firm’s greatest asset, however, according the leading analysts – Gartner, Forrester and IDC – 80 percent of your information is not structured, i.e., it cannot be accessed in a timely manner. This information is buried in paper files, in email folders and shared drives often several folders deep.

By 2021, the prevalence of equity analysts valuing organisations' information portfolios in valuing businesses themselves will spark formal internal information valuation and auditing practices, according to Gartner, Inc.

Swiftype has launched a new AI-powered Enterprise Search Platfor, the company’s formal expansion into cloud-based content discovery and search for the modern enterprise.

SailPoint has announced the latest version of its data access governance solution, SecurityIQ 5.0, designed to protect organisations against breaches through intelligent and actionable management of sensitive files residing within a network or in the cloud.

OnePlaceMail for SharePoint Online, a new application from OnePlace Solutions available from the Microsoft Office Store, solves the problem of ensuring important corporate information can be easily stored and retrieved from SharePoint instead of being trapped inside personal inboxes.

Objective Corporation has joined the Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Software Technology Alliances Program as an accredited Platinum Partner.
