Enterprise Content Management

Can information and process governance be improved without the traditional pain and angst of implementing or replacing an EDRMS? Objective Corporation believes it can, with a new set of offerings for users of Office 365, known as INFORM and PERFORM.

Governance and Compliance was targeted as one of the key result areas in the Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation (ANMF) TAS Branch Strategic Plan 2014 – 2017. The implementation of an effective business system to manage record-keeping of both electronic and physical records was identified as a major requirement within this key result area.

M-Files Corporation has announced new search features and enhancements to increase performance in an update to M-Files 2015.3.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) has introduced a new integrated suite that uses operational and file analytics to automate and streamline data protection, the HPE Adaptive Backup and Recovery Suite.

Ten hospitals across three Australian health services, including Mater Misericordiae Limited Brisbane, Melbourne Health and The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, are deploying OnBase by Hyland.

Ransomware is sinking its teeth into business data everywhere, with the threat continuing to evolve in new more sophisticated variants that encrypt individual files or even entire disks. To learn more about the challenge of defending against one of the fastest growing threats online, both for businesses and consumers, IDM spoke with Dr John Selby, a member of Macquarie University’s Cyber Security Hub established this year in Sydney in a $10 million joint investment with Optus Business.

Information is a vital, perhaps the most vital, business asset for an organisation. Nearly everything an organisation does involves using information in some way. It is used to support effective decision making and facilitate ongoing operations and the delivery of programmes, products and services; it evidences practices and performance, business activity and transactions, rights and obligations. Information is the glue that holds an organisation’s structures and processes together.

In the ECM space practitioners still talk about the same basic set of problems as they did back in 2000. The conversation hasn’t really progressed; it’s just gotten more complicated.

Australia’s Upstream Solutions has been awarded ‘2016 Global Partner of the Year’ at the M-Files 2016 Partner Conference awards held in Miami.

Victoria’s Wyndham City Council has taken out the first of four inaugural customer Innovation Awards presented by ECM solutions provider Objective at its at its annual Collaborate 2016 user conference, held in Sydney this week.
