Enterprise Content Management

Don’t you hate it when you want to upgrade your core EDRMS system to the latest version, but there is a component within the technology stack that is holding you back? Your organisation can be blocked from embracing new features and functions that can lift productivity and in some cases hold back the delivery of new services. Overtime these blockers can start to cost real $$ and in some cases impact upon team morale.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) is in talks with a private equity to sell its software division, hoping it can fetch between $US8-10 billion, according to reports.

When organisations want to buy an Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS), they often believe it will solve their records management problems. They find they have lots of paper. They have lots of electronic documents. They have shared drives that are full and disorganised.

Traditional enterprise content management providers are struggling to deal with the demands of today’s information workers.  If data is the new oil, then the current approach to ECM has only managed to scratch the surface of what people need.

Australia is lagging the US in its approach to information governance, placing enterprises and individuals at risk according to Susan Bennett, co-founder of Information Governance ANZ, a new think tank that aims to lift the profile of information governance and spur enterprises into action.

We have moved from an era in IT where the relational database management system was the one-size-fits-all technology, where data being used for informational purposes was solely sourced from in-house corporate databases that were rigorously defined, structured and well within the span of control of IT. 

Organsations habitually over-retain information, especially unstructured electronic information, for many reasons. However, many organisations simply have not addressed what to do with this data so fall back on relying on individual employees to decide what should be kept and for how long and what should be disposed of.

Ayfie has unveiled a new text understanding engine that the company claims can quarry volumes of structured and unstructured content at lightning speed, with near-human accuracy, saving time and money.  

iManage has announced the release of iManage Work 9.4, an update to its core document and email management solution which spans document and email management, secure file collaboration, knowledge management, information governance, and process automation. iManage Work Product Management is available as a cloud service in the iManage Cloud and as an on-premises installed product.

Australia and Singapore Data Centres for iManage Cloud, the company's cloud service for Work Product Management, are due to come online this month as part of the company's cloud strategy. iManage currently has iManage Cloud data centres in the US and UK.
