Knowledgeone launches info management apps in the cloud

Knowledgeone Corporation has announced an entirely new way for small business, corporations and government agencies to run sophisticated information management applications (Apps) in the Cloud.

There are two Apps initially available at Records Management (RMS - for physical records management) and Electronic Records and Document Management (EDRMS – RMS + electronic document management, document imaging, etc.).

A series of Apps to be rolled out progressively over the next 6 months will include Asset Tracking, Software License Tracking, Contract Tracking, Collection Tracking, Work Tracking, Accounts Payable Tracking, Membership Tracking and HR Tracking.

Knowledgeone CEO Frank McKenna, said, “Our objective with this new Web site was to provide the world’s easiest and lowest cost way for our customers to run sophisticated, fully-functional applications like Electronic Records & Document Management without the need for a computer room, servers, IT staff, consultants, trainers, software installations or software maintenance.

“This is a truly new & disruptive paradigm that completely smashes the old expensive to purchase, expensive & difficult to install, expensive to run and expensive & difficult to maintain paradigm of heavy duty application software.

“For example, all training courses and support are free on our new website, all of a customer’s data and standards can be easily uploaded and configured by the customer via their MyConsole link.

“We use certified IBM BlueMix Data Centers and we manage everything, including software upgrades and backups, all the customer has to do is sign up and use the App. We even addressed the annoying problem of overly-complex and unpredictable Cloud billing with a new and totally transparent approach to billing based on a single, fixed subscription per user per month starting from as low as $U69 per month.”

Knowledgeone is an IBM Partner will use its BlueMix data centers exclusively to provide industrial strength security, high performance and high availability.