Enterprise Content Management

As data itself has become currency, the metadata describing it has also emerged as a core asset of modern business. Metadata interweaves itself throughout all information; like DNA, it serves as the genetic makeup of data. So even though metadata may not be the most obvious data created, it holds tremendous value in unlocking and exploiting the value of enterprise information.

AvePoint has announced the availability of DocAve Governance Automation Service Pack (SP) 8, providing a single governance system to manage the latest SharePoint versions – including SharePoint 2016, SharePoint 2013, and SharePoint Online – under a centralised platform.

The term ECM is actually an abstract and entirely unhelpful label when attributed to data systems – attempting to describe a world that is rich with tools, methods and consultants, yet equally endowed with resistance, frustration and cost. 

While a lot of speculation remains around Dell's proposed $US60 billion-plus acquisition of EMC, which could close any time in the next few months, the company’s Enterprise Content Division is bringing its key executives to Sydney on June 9 for a full day seminar on the future landscape of content management in the digital era.

The Citadel Group Limited (CGL), a $200 million listed Australian solution provider to Governments and the private sector, has acquired Kapish for $A17.5 million. Kapish is one of only two Australian Gold Business Partners for the HPE Content Manager (ex TRIM/RM) suite of document and records management solutions (the other is Optus).

Australian technology company Nuix has released Sensitive Data Finder 2.2, an upgrade that adds visualisations and other analysis features to streamline common tasks and identify high-risk information sooner.

Experts have been nagging information and records managers for years that preparing for electronic discovery in the ordinary course of business is critical. The links between the two disciplines has been underlined with the announcement that Open Text has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire privately-held Recommind, a leading provider of ediscovery, and information analytics.

The National Archives of Australia’s Digital Continuity 2020 Policy is a cornerstone mandate that underpins the Australian Government’s wider digital transformation initiatives, as well as driving the adoption of e-Government.

Startups are addictive. When you set a milestone and then meet it, it's like a rush of adrenaline. I'm on my third startup, a company focused on enterprise-class content indexing, and I still remember clearly the excitement I felt years ago when we first started receiving an influx of calls from law firms after announcing our ability to directly index backup tapes.

FileBound Australia, a provider of document and work management software and services, has signed a distribution agreement with RatchetSoft, developer of Ratchet-X, a powerful desktop application integration tool.
