Enterprise Content Management

What will it be like to live in a world where it is mandatory to report data breach notifications? Australia's proposed Privacy Amendment (Privacy Alerts) Bill 2013 did not make it through federal Parliament before the last government imploded, while New Zealand is still considering whether to make it compulsory to send out alerts when incidents  put people at risk.

Australian Information Commissioner Professor John McMillan has warned the incoming Coalition Government faces a significant backlog of  issues in national privacy and information policy.

Varonis Systems  has launched Data Governance Suite 5.9, which provides alerts on monitored unstructured data in real time, including access or deletion of sensitive data, and changes to permissions and configuration files.

At the Australian operations of global medical equipment manufacturer ArjoHuntleigh, a Hyland OnBase content management solution has revolutionised the operations of a national workforce of service technicians responsible for maintaining complex medical equipment for hospitals and other healthcare facilities. The Australian subsidiary employs over one hundred people and maintains offices in every state. 

Anyone who has watched the news, read a blog or happened across a computer in the past 12 months or so, should have their own way to define “the cloud.” Unfortunately, most of these definitions will be completely different from one another.

Although I have been involved in document capture for over 20 years, it was not until Datacap joined forces with IBM in 2010 that we started to meet regularly with large banks to help them address their massive mortgage processing challenges.  Even given all the things that I had learned over the years about high-volume document capture, I have been surprised just how many nuances and special considerations that there are when it comes time to scan a mortgage.

Metalogix has acquired Axceler’s SharePoint governance and administration product, ControlPoint to enhance its offerings for management of the entire SharePoint lifecycle. ControlPoint for SharePoint Administration enables organisations to enforce governance strategies and is in use at over 3000 organisations worldwide to manage more than 14 million SharePoint users. 

HP Autonomy has announced Autonomy LinkSite, a hybrid cloud solution that integrates HP Autonomy WorkSite, its on-premises document and email management system with HP Flow CM, HP’s public cloud file sharing and collaboration service.

Cadac Group has added new Document Control capabilities to its SharePoint-based Engineering Data Management solution, Organice. 

New Zealand's Pingar has released its Metadata Extractor for SharePoint 2013, providing a means for bulk entity extraction to occur without the need to train staff how to meta tag documents. 
