Enterprise Content Management

All organizations are notorious for hoarding data. Whether it is research data, customer data, marketing data or another type of data, businesses are savvy to the power of data-driven insights and are keen to hold onto whatever data they can glean in case it could provide business value through analytics.

Enterprise compliance SaaS provider EncompaaS has completed a $A14 million capital raise led by CVC Emerging Companies, Future Now Capital, and Marshall Investments. The SaaS entrant will now further develop and take its suite of cloud-based enterprise content management and compliance products to global markets.

After the COVID-19 pandemic forced a sudden closure of in-person workplaces, DLA Piper worked quickly to get thousands of employees set up to work remotely. “Firm leadership wanted to get Microsoft Teams released quickly, but we didn’t want a Teams release turning into the ‘wild, wild west,’” Omar Ibrahim, senior manager for applications and engineering at DLA Piper, said about the collaboration platform. “So, we asked: ‘OK, what guardrails can we get in place?’”

Because I am both a cheapskate and own some screwdrivers, I’ve repaired my share of major appliances. Not long ago, in the midst of a more-urgent-than-usual repair, I needed a part.

In the past year and a half, two of the buzzwords we’ve all been hearing constantly are “remote work” and “the cloud.” Indeed, this is the new work ecosystem we find ourselves in, and people in industries around the world are seeing it unfold in realtime.

An upgrade to a SharePoint 2019 intranet at City Parklands Services in Brisbane has delivered an enhanced external file sharing capability featuring Governance and Compliance from Micro Focus Content Manager.

If you throw 10 coins into a bucket holding 10 average employees, (representative of the sample of all employees) you’re likely to hit an employee that uses Microsoft Teams for daily tasks almost 7 out of the 10 times. In other words, the use of Microsoft Teams across businesses worldwide has dramatically increased in the past year.

WaterNSW and the FYB team received the Micro Focus Outstanding Innovation Award 2021 at the Information Management & Governance Forum 2021 for the implementation of Teams2CM Collaborate.

In 2018 the European GDPR irrevocably changed the whole data privacy landscape. Since it was implemented, there have been a host of other privacy regulations such as CCPA, CMMC, and India PDP, coming into force around the world.

The latest Gartner Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence (AI) shows a large number of AI technologies are set to reach mainstream adoption within 2-5 years, including edge AI, computer vision, AI cloud services, composite AI and machine learning. However, Gartner research also found that only half of AI projects make it from pilot into production, and those that do take an average of nine months to do so.
