Enterprise Content Management

Netwrix Corporation, provider of a visibility platform for data security and risk mitigation in hybrid environments, has announced the release of Netwrix Auditor – Data Discovery and Classification Edition.

To mark the latest release of Upland's FileBound workflow automation solution, Jon Eilers, General Manager FileBound US presented at a series of Roadshows across Australia. IDM asked John to highlight some of the recent and upcoming enhancements in the platform roadmap.

Australian developer Sigmadata has launched Version 2.0 of its Sigma Logs software that provides the ability to search, monitor and report HPE TRIM, Records Manager, Content Manager (CM) audit logs.

MinerEye Data Tracker is a new, AI-powered governance and data protection solution, that promises companies the ability to continuously identify, organise, track and protect vast information assets including undermanaged, unstructured and dark data for safe and compliant cloud migration.

More than 6 million historical client documents held by the Western Australia Department of Communities Housing (Housing Authority) presented a major headache for staff owing to a lack of containment and classification. A new Ephesoft smart document capture system deployed by the Process Automation Group (PAG) is now assisting with making documents findable and enabling retention polices to be applied.

ASX-listed Citadel Group’s enterprise information management solution, Citadel-IX, is now running on Microsoft’s new Azure AU Central cloud, which has recently achieved the Australian Signals Directorate’s ‘protected’ level certification.

Is your organisation curious about the impact of Australia’s Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme? Australian image scanning bureau CaptureIT has launched a new specialised offering designed to put those concerns to rest by offering a comprehensive framework for managing and reporting on the entire data and content lifecycle of relevant personal and enterprise information.

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) has published the first quarterly report on data breach notifications received under the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme, which came into force on 22 February 2018.  

A flurry of cloud activity in the nation’s capital this week has centered around the certification of Microsoft’s Azure platform for secure government hosting, based on a new offering known as as Azure Australia Central.

Upland Software, Inc., parent company of the FileBound ECM platform, has acquired of Dublin, Ireland-based InterFAX Communications Ltd., a provider of secure, cloud-based messaging solutions including enterprise cloud fax and secure document distribution. The company says cloud fax alone is a $US1.5B market forecasted to grow at 10% per year to $2.2B by 2022
